Vice President of Business Affairs

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Anthony Dinkins

Vice President of Business Affairs

Anthony Dinkins is a native Washingtonian, currently residing in Ward 7 of the District of Columbia. Mr. Dinkins attended D.C. Public Schools and holds a Bachelor's Degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of the District of Columbia. Mr. Dinkins is currently employed by the D.C. Department of Transportation working as a Transportation Engineer. He also holds a Registered Patent Agent Certificate from the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) where he worked in Intellectual Property for more than 10 years. Mr. Dinkins serves as the VP of Business Affairs for Y.I.M.A.E. and as the Director for Y.I.M.A.E.'s Internet and Satellite Radio Department. Mr. Dinkins' desire to serve youth stems from many years of community service in programs such as Mentors Inc. and tutoring programs throughout the community.

The mission of Youth in Media and Education (Y.I.M.A.E.) is to promote artistic expressions and self-empowerment through a comprehensive program that covers all areas of academics, the entertainment/media industry and vocational training. Through the program, court and non-court involved youth will enhance their social skills and transition into productive citizens in the community at large.

©2010 Y.I.M.A.E. (Youth in Media and Education). All Rights Reserved.
All language on this site has been copyrighted, and the concept of this program is protected.

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