Comcast has been a "local" company since its founding in 1963. Comcast works hard to build and strengthen relationships with community partners to make a difference, improve neighborhoods and create lasting results.
Comcast powers dreams in its communities by providing access to innovative technology, volunteering its time, giving financial support and partnering with great organizations.
Since 2001, Comcast has provided $1.8 billion in cash and in-kind support to national and local non-profit organizations across the country. Comcast works with non-profits to create successful programs that improve the quality of life where its customers and employees live and work.
Office of Cable Television (District of Columbia) OCT is the award winning District government agency that regulates all cable television providers within the District of Columbia. In addition, OCT manages the District's two municipal government channels - OCT TV-16 and TV-13. While TV-16 provides information regarding the many programs, services and opportunities made available by the District of Columbia Government. TV-13 provides gavel-to-gavel coverage of the live and recorded activities of the D.C. City Council and its various committees. Together these channels are intended to provide District of Columbia residents access to the activities and processes of their government.
BePolished is a 501(c)(3) organization that empowers 11-18 year old girls in single parent households to exude “Life Etiquette.” BePolished “Life Etiquette” programs encompass elements of financial literacy, career development, and innovative thinking. We are committed to nurturing young girls into confident women while educating and exposing them to a world of opportunity.
The Scene The SCENE is a well-known, intimate concert hall in Washington DC, known for presenting performers in the R&B, jazz, gospel, hip-hop, and easy listening genres. The stage has table seating with dinner service. The room seats 500 people and the tables in front are about two feet from the stage. This allows for up-close views of the musicians, great for enthusiastic fans, budding guitarists and nostalgic baby boomers eager to see top acts from earlier days in a more personal setting. The bandstand includes a dance area, perfect for Texas Two-step and any other act that gets its audience up on their feet.
Night Flight Recording Studio Night Flight Recording Studios is one of the nation’s premiere recording studios and a full Facility featuring state-of-the art technology. This recording studio has been servicing the music industry for over 17 years and with over 50 years of combined engineering experience Night Flight Recording Studios will be able to educate youth in the diverse areas of the music industry as well as allow them to participate in the artistry of developing music.
Community Development and Preservation Corporation Established in 1989, Community Preservation and Development Corporation (CPDC) is a premier non-profit real estate developer focused on the acquisition, redevelopment, and operation of affordable housing communities for low- and moderate-income individuals and families. CPDC recognizes that its mission – developing vibrant communities through innovation and partnerships – cannot be accomplished through housing alone.
BET Black Entertainment Television (commonly referred to by its acronym BET) is an American cable network based in Washington D.C., and targets young African-American audiences. The network launched on January 25, 1980 by its founder Robert L. Johnson. Most programming of the network comprises mainstream rap and R&B music videos and urban-oriented movies and series.
The Library of Congress, Office of Copyright To promote the progress of science and useful arts, by securing for limited time to authors and inventors the exclusive right to their respective writings and discoveries. This office has agreed to allow a press event for the youths to protect their artistic work.
The 100 Fathers, Inc. "Ordinary Men Doing Extraordinary Things"
The 100 Fathers, Inc. was founded by Dc Fathers who came together to change the pardigm of how fathers are percieved in the community, the media and the family. The organization has grown into a 21st Century Style Fatherhood Organization composed of responsible Fathers and men and a few strong and dedicated mothers and women! Many of the 100 Fathers inc. members are Certified Master Fatherhood Trainers and Certified Fatherhood Trainers. The group touches the lives of 100's of children and families through mentoring, training, certification, documentaries, research and legislation. The group's collaboration outreach is known nationally, regionally and locally. In March of 2012 the CEO Franklyn M.Malone recieved a personal call from President Barack Obama regarding fatherhood. 100 Fathers, Inc. is a partner with the White House Responsible Fathers working group and Partners with the The U.S. Dept. of Education, OSSE, Howard University, Radio-One, the Black Star Project and numerous other local,regional and national fatherhood and mentoring organizations.
The Brotherhood of St. Andrew, Inc. ( is one of the oldest Men's Ministries of the Anglican/Episcopal Communion. Our mission is to bring others to Christ through prayer, study and service. The Fatherhood and Mentoring Ministry seeks to use 21st century outreach to enagage youth where they are through our services, supports and opportunities where Men of Faith and Fathers of substance can offer resources, guidance, communication and leadership by example to the youth in need of the irreplaceable nurturing that fathers bring. The Brotherhood Fathers and Men offer a divine intervention to some earthy and worldly challenges for boys, girls, young men and young ladies from a seasoned spiritually experienced fatherhood perspective.What good is the salt if it has lost it's saltiness? (Luke14:34) We seek to change a life...... forever.
The mission of Youth in Media and Education (Y.I.M.A.E.) is to promote artistic expressions and self-empowerment through a comprehensive program that covers all areas of academics, the entertainment/media industry and vocational training. Through the program, court and non-court involved youth will enhance their social skills and transition into productive citizens in the community at large.